Important: Product Price Revision due to currency fluctuation

  • Tuesday, 25th August, 2015
  • 18:16pm
Due to the sustained increase in the value of the USD against INR, we are forced to increase the prices of our products from 28th August, 2015. You can check the revised prices that will be applicable to your transactions with us for domains (non-promo prices). You can check 'our website' on or after 27th August, 2015 to get the updated prices across all products.

We strongly recommend that you check the above document and make changes to your selling prices to ensure that you do not run a loss on any products. before 28th August, 2015. Please note that this price change has become necessary exclusively owing to the phenomenal rise of the dollar value.

Please Note: If you are receiving pricing that is different from the prices listed in the document for any product(s), your pricing will correspondingly increase based on the above mentioned date. For any additional details, feel free to get in touch with us.

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