Cpanel Error Logs Print

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Error details

(cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Errors)

The interface displays up to 300 of the most recent entries in Apache's error logs, in reverse chronological order.


The interface includes entries in the /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_

log file and the /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log file.
The interface displays only error log entries that include /home/username, where username is the username for the account.
The interface scans the most recent 2 MB in each log file. If the server is extremely busy, the portion of the log file that the interface scans may not contain any errors for this site.
To view older entries, access the individual log files.
The Apache logs record all of the requests that Apache handles. Tasks that other services handle may have separate log locations.

As indicated in the documentation, only the last 2MB of the logs are scanned. If no errors are present in the most recent 2MB, no entries will be displayed in the interface.

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