Domain related Error messages Print

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Error messages

If there is problem with a command or an operation submitted to EPP or the Web Domain Manager, you will receive one of these types of error message:

  • Fatal error
    A fatal error means that the command you submitted was not successful and changes were not made to the registry. Fatal errors are identified by the letter “V” followed by three numbers; for example: V028. Fatal errors can often be addressed by making a minor change to your request. Fatal errors are listed below.
  • Non-fatal error
    Non-fatal errors are warning messages appended to successful commands and operations.  Even though your command or operation was successful, a non-fatal error warns you that there is an issue that could prevent you from performing other commands or operations.

Fatal errors

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Error Code EPP Response Code Issue Description
V001 2002 Subject Line contains unknown action Each message’s subject line is checked to determine what action to take with the request.   If this does not correspond to one of the possible actions it returns this error.  Details of the correct subject line can be found in the documentation for each operation.
V002 2104 Nominet have notified you that any further applications to register new domain names will be refused. The tag you have used is not currently active.  Please contact our Member and Registrar Support team on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 for further information.
V007 2001 Unknown field ‘<xxx>’ A template is given for each request in the documentation for the operation type.  Any fields given which do not appear in the template will not be recognised and request processing will be abandoned.
V008 2003 No Domain name given This error occurs if you perform an operation on a domain, such as renew, but either do not include the ‘key’ field or a value within it. 
V009 2306 Domain <xxx> cannot be requested via this automaton Our systems will only accept requests for .uk domains under our defined second levels.  This error will occur if you request a domain that we either do not administer or includes an additional prefix such as ‘www.’.
V012 2005 Fully-qualified domain names must be no longer than <xxx> characters The maximum length of a registration up to and including .uk is 64 characters.  For further information please see clause 5.7 of our registration rules.
V013 2201 The registrant’s name cannot be modified Changes to the organisation name on a registrant contact (the registrant for the domain name) can only be made by a registrant transfer or by our support staff in the case of minor corrections.
V014 2104 The tag ‘<xxx>’ has been barred from creating or retagging domains. The tag used is currently barred from performing this action.  Please contact our Member and Registrar Support team on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 for further information.
V015 2104 The tag ‘<xxx>’ has been barred. The tag used is currently barred from performing any actions.  Please contact our Member and Registrar Support team on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 for further information.
V016 2306 The tag ‘<xxx>’ is unrecognised This error occurs when an invalid tag is used in the ‘registrar-tag’ field, often due to the tag not being provided in capital letters.
V020 2003 Missing or invalid account identifier Operations relating to a specific registrant contact must include the account-id number.
V023 2005 Error Reading Nameserver <xxx> This error occurs when invalid information or characters are provided in the name server details.
V024 2003 Missing glue record for server <xxx> When a name server is provided that is the child of the domain supplied in the request, it is necessary to create a glue record by including its IP address.
V025 2005 Bad IP address for server <xxx> : <xxx> An IP address will be treated as invalid if it:
Starts with 0, 10, 127, 192.168.
Starts within 172.16 to 172.32.
V027 2005 Bad value for `type’ (must be one of LTD, PLC, PTNR, LLP, STRA, IND, OTHER, FCORP, FOTHER, RCHAR) Please see our registrant types page for full details regarding the ‘type’ field.
V028 2005 Invalid country code for <xxx> (must be the two-letter ISO 3166 country code) The country code used in the ‘country’ field must be a valid two-letter country code from ISO 3166
V029 2005 Invalid postcode: <xxx> Postcodes are validated to verify that they are formatted correctly. A postcode consists of two parts, separated by a single space, examples below:Format         Example Postcode
AN NAA        M1 1AA
ANN NAA     M60 1NW
AAN NAA      CR2 6XH
ANA NAA      W1A 1HQ
V030 2005 <xxx> field is too long (<xxx> is maximum) Most fields have a limit of 200 characters, the exceptions being:
‘co-no’ up to 50 characters.
‘addr’ up to 3 lines of 255 characters.
‘notes’ up to 15 lines of 256 characters.
V031 2306 Address has too many lines (%d is maximum)  
V036 2306 Too many nameservers specified (10 is maximum) You can only provide a maximum of 10 name servers for a registration.
V040 2005 Bad month ‘<xxx>’ specified for list action (Must be of form CCYY-MM) The format of the month field must be Year-Month, for example March 2007 is 2007-03.
V053 2306 Duplicate Nameserver found in list Duplicate name servers cannot be provided for the same registration.
V056 2002 Multiple Key Fields found  
V057 2005 Invalid field ‘<xxx>’ for <xxx> operation Occurs if a field name is not valid for the stated operation. This is very commonly caused by the field name starting with a capital letter.
V058 2004 This Request will have no effect The request does not contain any information to act upon.  Often this is caused by lines being ignored due to incorrect field names or a problem with their formatting such as the use of capital letters.
V060 2001 Message contained no requests Occurs if no fields are present in a request after any invalid text has been removed.
V061 2005 Nameserver ‘<xxx>’ appears to be an IP address An IP address can accompany the name server’s host name in cases where a glue record is required, but our systems do not allow the IP address to be provided on its own.
V063 2001 Multiple Instances of Field ‘<xxx>’ found This error will occur if a field, other than ‘addr’ or ‘notes’, is used more than once in a single request.
V064 2003 ISO 3166 Country Code required for <xxx> country. The mandatory value for ‘country’ field has been omitted.  For a list of valid two-letter country codes, please refer to ISO 3166.
V065 2003 postcode required for GB, GG, JE and IM Country codes for <xxx> address The ‘postcode’ fields are mandatory if the country codes GB, GG, JE or IM are used in the ‘country’ field. 
V069 2003 ‘<xxx>’ field missing or empty No data has been provided for a mandatory field in a registration request.
V071 2003 Missing admin contact No data has been provided for the mandatory primary administrative contact in a registration request
V073 2005 Invalid Company Number For registrations where the LTD or PLC registrant types are used, the company number provided must consist of one or more numbers, and may be preceded by SC, NI, FC, BR, SF or NF.For registrations where the LLP registrant type is used, the company number provided must consist of one or more numbers, and may be preceded by LP, NL, SO, OC or SL.For registrations where the SCH registrant type is used, the DfES school number provided must consist of seven numbers.  For English school numbers, you should also separate the third digit from the fourth with a hyphen.
V074 2003 Company Number required for UK Limited and Public Limited Companies For registrations where the LTD or PLC registrant types are used, the company number provided in the ‘co-no’ field must consist or one or more numbers, possibly preceded by SC, NI, FC, BR, SF or NF.
V077 2003 Company Number required for LLP reg-types For registrations where the LLP registrant type is used, the company number provided in the ‘co-no’ field must consist or one or more numbers, possibly preceded by LP, NL, SO, OC or SL.
V078 2003 School Number required for schools  For registrations where the SCH registrant type is used, the DfES school number provided in the ‘co-no’ field must consist of seven numbers.  For English school numbers, you should also separate the third digit from the fourth with a hyphen.
V079 2005 Company Number not required for <xxx> reg-types No information should be provided in the ‘co-no’ field unless the registrant type listed in the ‘type’ field is LTD, PLC, LLP, SCH, RCHAR.
V080 2201 The ‘co-no’ field cannot be modified for an domain name Please contact our support department to inform us of any update to a school’s DfES number.
V081 2306 Reg type must be LTD for domain name The registrant type ‘LTD’ must be set in the ‘type’ field when making a domain registration.
V082 2306 Reg type must be PLC for domain name The registrant type ‘PLC’ must be set in the ‘type’ field when making a domain registration.
V086 2005 Contents of field <xxx> cannot be removed This occurs if an attempt is made to remove the contents of a field that is either mandatory or required by other existing fields.
V087 2001 Contacts cannot be removed and edited at the same time  
V088 2104 You have exceeded your credit limit and any tags associated with your account are now suspended pending further payment. Please contact our Customer Support team to pay money into your account or any overdue invoices. This request would cause you to exceed your advised credit limit and any tags associated with your account are now suspended until further payments have been received. Therefore, you are no longer able to make any new registrations or renewals. Please contact our Payments line on +44 (0) 330 236 9476 as a matter of urgency to place an amount of money on your account or log on to your online account to pay any overdue invoices.
V094 2302 Domain name exists already This error occurs if you attempt to register a domain that is already registered. 
V096 2201 Domain name is not registered to your tag This error will occur if you attempt to make changes to a domain that is either not on your tag or not registered.
V101 2304 Domain names cannot be detagged in the first month of registration. If you wish to cancel this domain name please refer to Automaton operations – Delete operation  
V102 2304 Domain names can only be deleted before the initial registration invoice is generated. Only the registrant can now cancel the domain name. Domain names can only be cancelled in the first registration period.
V105 2304 Current and registering tag different. Domain names cannot be cancelled if there has been a registrar change.
V107 0 Tag missing from subject line  
V108 0 Tag in subject line does not match PGP signatory.  
V109 0 Invalid bulk operation   
V110 2005 Field ‘<xxx>’ cannot be modified using a bulk modification query.  
V111 2304 Domain name is subject of tag change  
V113 0 Old nserver must be non-blank for bulk n-server replacement.  
V114 0 Nserver replacements and update bulk requests are not-compatible  
V116 0 Field <xxx> appears more than once in update clause for bulk request.  
V117 0 Field <xxx> empty  
V120 2306 Invalid date <xxx>  
V121 2306 Invalid tag field  
V122 2306 You cannot filter by tag    
V123 2201 You have exceeded usage limits for registration attempts on existing domain names. You will be blocked for 24 hours.